Monday, December 5, 2011


Omggggggggggg, hi hi! It's so fucking early right now and I'm awake alr. Forget it, don't feel like going back to sleep already. Today's the 5th! ^^ Like damn fast sia :( Idw school to reopen eh, so not looking forward to it. Anyway yea, I'm still in a dilemma right now, idk what to do. Maybe I just gotta slowly let go.... we'll see how it goes. I just wanna fucking forget you man. Been meeting up w Huiting and co these few days. Life is getting boring huh? Sian. Hehe if you're seeing this, I'm waiting for your text ok? Muacks :-*

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Hello hello. I've been neglecting this blog i know~ this few weeks, awesome outings with the usuals. I think they are the real ones who understand me best. :) I love you guys. Anyway, I have already made up my mind.. I know nothing will ever be the same again so I have decided to just let go and move on. I hope you're happy. Please be the happiest guy ever. You're a great guy. Haha, I just set my eyes on someone else already. ;) I miss you sia. :( See you soon ok. I love you _____ :-*

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Feel my pain

I know I suck. I know I fail. I know I'm too lousy for you. I know I'm not good enough. I know I'm not the best. I just want you to be happy. I've been waiting for you for 46 days. Yes, I counted the days. Today is the 46th day. You promised me.. but did you live up to your promise? Or did you break it? Til now, I don't even know the fucking truth from you. You don't even bother to tell me. Is that so hard? I just wanna know whether I still mean something to you. That feeling kills man I swear. Can't you even send me a simple text and tell me how you feel about me? I'm sick and tired alr lea, I waited for so long just because I wna wait for your message. It's ok, I'll still wait. I'm used to it already. Maybe one day I'll just give up without telling you. And don't forget it was you who let me go. Remember your promise.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Can someone tell me whut to do now? Why guys these few days like become so different sia. They don't even wanna listen to my explanation. Aiya whatever la hor, I won't force you or do anything to you. I just hope we'll be ok. No matter what I'll still treat you as my friend no worries.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Can someone tell me what's trust? Can someone tell me what's love? Really damn disappointed w you sia. Idk why you even did that in the first place and it really hurt me alot I swear. Just imagine I'm the one doing that to you, how would you feel? Heartbroken? Sad? Angry? Or what? You tell me la. If you think loving me is very hard or it's making you miserable, just give up ok? I won't want anyone to be like this just because of me. Though you've explained everything to me already, how can you expect me to forgive and forget everything so fucking easily? I'm giving myself time to forget, just gimme time.. I promise I will overcome it by myself. You fucking hurt me alot and I had enough already, so just stop it ok? I got enough, really.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hi. I hope he reads this post. Yes this post is for you. You know what? Idk why you changed so much. Remember when I came back from malaysia you said I changed alot? Yea I admit I changed. Now? I swear I didn't change when I came back. Where were you when I needed you the most? I'm gonna repeat what I said to you again. If you were to ask me whether I ever loved you once, I'll say yes. Really. Believe it or not up to you. When I came back you became another person. Look at the way you talk to me. Idk why you became like this and idw to know why either. And your feelings for me.. I don't know. I swear I really don't know. You once told me you loved me a lot, but I guess everything's over already. My tears are falling soon. Oh yes, and the main thing here, trust. Do you like even trust me or not? Guys posting on my wall, big fuck meh? Did I like even say I like them? No? I didn't do anything unfaithful behind your back. I'm like soooooo disappointed w you now and I bet you don't even know. Your feelings towards me really changed a lot, I really want to know why but I'm scared to know cuz I guess your answer's gonna hurt me even more. You really hurt me, damn so much. You don't even trust me from the beginning. Look, now you're the one who changed. Don't ever come back looking for me. Don't forget that it was you who let me go. And lastly, I really hate you for hurting me..

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hi earthlings. I've been neglecting my blog recently. Gonna change my blog skin after this post. Maybe a little bit of change will do. I don't like it when it's too fanciful yknow. Ok, it's the june holidays now and I must say it's damn shiok! Yes, returned to school for the first week. For the 2nd and 3rd, I'm fucking free. And for the last week, maybe have to return to school for just a few days and that's it. Well, I'm just gonna enjoy my 2nd and 3rd week. ^^ sure it'll be awesome w my friends around. Anyway yea, out w my dear friends these few days and I've decided to stay at home today. People say staying at home is boring? I don't really think so. Though you guys may think it's kind of rotting, but you have everything you have at home! Like seriously right. Hahah so yea. Off to KL on this coming sun and will be back on tues. Or maybe I'm not going :/ don't feel like it. But probably yes. Okie, I guess I'll end this post right now. Stay tune darlings!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hey guys! I think i gonna update more already. My blog seems so dead. Yea, going out later around 12plus to meet my darlings. Eh, and my mom's damn ridiculous. Going w boys means they're my boyfriend? HAHAHA, k that's a damn joke. Anyway, I swear I love that friday!! So damn awesome with awesome people around. Wink wink ;) I love you all. flying kiss*