Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sincerity touched me

As usual, got up and quickly got prepared. Changed, dress up, down to meet my darling Raquel. Trained to serangoon, nex. Wow, saw Winnie the pooh! H3h3h3, (y) Subway! Bought some cookies. Raquel's like one joker over there. Hahaha, met 5 of her friends. Weird but enjoyable. Whootz, finally met my dearest Huiting! She came down to nex to meet me. happy* Brandon kept calling me :@ Say simi, cant find us? -.- Then brandon, Ys, Sb, Yutong and Genice came. Y and G left a while after that. Sorry to pangseh Raquel :( Next week ok? pinky promise* Followed the rest and shopped around. Sb's like one joker man. Xiasuay myself by going out with him (; darn paiseh can. Trained to boon keng. The door's like closing alr, faster chiong in. In the end Huiting didn't manage to get in. She was like behind me only, and I managed to get in. Close shave eh! So we stopped at the next stop and waited for her. The guys kept making fun ;X Separate ways, bendemeer mall with Huiting, mac. I am dead shag now.

Hur, I wanna watch the haunted house project plz.